Monday, January 21, 2008


i always wish i could write a book, simply to write a dedication page.  to let everyone know who had inspired me and who i am grateful for...well take this as my dedication page.

to my mom, who has been so generous with your affirmation and encouragement.  and who instilled in me a love for celebrations...

to my dad, betsy, and sister kate.  your passion for the arts stirred my creativity.  your words of support resonated with love and sincerity.

to mandy, who loved me even more when i was a mess.  thanks for teaching me that being an artist doesn't mean being perfect.  it's about the joy we feel...

to cara, who with tough love called out my desires to be an artist.  who celebrated me with ridiculous enthusiasm.

to the community at mars hill graduate school.  there are so many faces and voices that played a redemptive role in my story.  you helped me see the sacredness in art.

to crystal, my first photography partner.  thank you for playing with me!

to jeanette, for always listening to my doubts and dreams.  i always sensed that you were patiently hoping for me to find this space...

to mike, my husband, best friend, and biased fan.  you made me feel safe to pursue this dream...i'm so glad to be creating a life story with you.

to my God...i know that my creativity, my ability to see beauty in ordinary things, to feel joy in the midst of other peoples stories is a testament to You.  thank you for the challenges and the blessings along the journey.

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