Wednesday, April 2, 2008

time in the sun...

well from the title of this post i'm certainly not talking about michigan...mike and i just returned from florida where we were visiting my dad and stepmom.  they were generous in flying us out for a few days 
of sun and relaxation.  and that's pretty much all we did...lounge by the pool, read, and just be. 

my sister kate, dad and stepmom, betsy

nothing like fried turkey!

this is for amy...look!  florida birds!

my man, mike

we enjoyed some cuban cuisine and some mojitos, our fav!

showing off my $6 sunglasses that lost one of it's lenses...i guess there is something to be said that you get what you paid for...

cuban cigars...

we had a great visit and feel so refreshed!  here's hoping the sun makes it way to michigan...


Amy Carroll said...

Kelly! Birds!! :) I love them.

And those mojitos...YUM! Those are me and Jason's favorite summer drinks ever!

Glad you're back and that you had a fabulous time!

Jawn said...

i love your cigar pics! i can only dream of having a talent like you.