with a fresh cup of coffee in hand i'm sitting at home anticipating the clouds to burst open and bring the rain. i love love love thunderstorms! when i lived in seattle we got our
fair share of rain but hardly any thunderstorms.
i think there is something romantic, mysterious, and dramatic about a good rain storm.
my friend kerri (of taylor grey photography) tagged me...i admit this is a first for me, so i hope i "follow the rules" correctly (there's not a blog curse if you don't???)
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules in your blog.
3. Tell about 6 fun quirks about yourself.
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.
* every year the entire world celebrate's my birthday...okay well maybe they're not celebrating my birthday but it's a big party. i was born on new year's day.
* as a little girl (well and as a big girl) i had dreams of starring on broadway. i used to practice my dance moves in front of my living room mirror. my current favorite musical is "wicked".
* i am a fanatic for the band over the rhine. i think we're kindred spirits, even though we've never met. but i think it would be nice to enjoy a glass of wine sitting on the porch of their farm. (does that sound too stalkerish???)
* one of my favorite activities is to go kayaking...a few years ago i was able to buy my own boat, even though i don't get out as much as i'd like. hopefully this year.
* i've watched the BBC version of "pride & prejudice" over a dozens times. while working at calvin i would host tea parties and a group of girls would gather to swoon over mr. darcy.
* i have my master's in counseling. my husband and i both lived in seattle, wa to attend mars hill graduate school. this was a life-transforming time in my life. and i think it's really impacted who i am as a photographer. both counseling and photography for me is about discovering someones story, seeing the beauty and dignity in it and celebrating it. and it's interesting to me how many photographers i've met that have a background in psych or had some aspirations to go into social services.
tag, you're it...
(oh i just heard some thunder...)
fair share of rain but hardly any thunderstorms.
i think there is something romantic, mysterious, and dramatic about a good rain storm.
my friend kerri (of taylor grey photography) tagged me...i admit this is a first for me, so i hope i "follow the rules" correctly (there's not a blog curse if you don't???)
1. Link the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules in your blog.
3. Tell about 6 fun quirks about yourself.
4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.
* every year the entire world celebrate's my birthday...okay well maybe they're not celebrating my birthday but it's a big party. i was born on new year's day.
* as a little girl (well and as a big girl) i had dreams of starring on broadway. i used to practice my dance moves in front of my living room mirror. my current favorite musical is "wicked".
* i am a fanatic for the band over the rhine. i think we're kindred spirits, even though we've never met. but i think it would be nice to enjoy a glass of wine sitting on the porch of their farm. (does that sound too stalkerish???)
* one of my favorite activities is to go kayaking...a few years ago i was able to buy my own boat, even though i don't get out as much as i'd like. hopefully this year.
* i've watched the BBC version of "pride & prejudice" over a dozens times. while working at calvin i would host tea parties and a group of girls would gather to swoon over mr. darcy.
* i have my master's in counseling. my husband and i both lived in seattle, wa to attend mars hill graduate school. this was a life-transforming time in my life. and i think it's really impacted who i am as a photographer. both counseling and photography for me is about discovering someones story, seeing the beauty and dignity in it and celebrating it. and it's interesting to me how many photographers i've met that have a background in psych or had some aspirations to go into social services.
tag, you're it...
(oh i just heard some thunder...)
great picture! i love umbrellas
It was fun to read your six facts! Cute umbrella. =)
awesome post! Kayak are on my list of things to get brandy j and I! When the time is right, I may be emailing you for advice:)
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